1. Saara Cantell | Nordic Women in Film
Saara Cantell is a Finnish director and screenwriter with a career spanning over 30 years. She is engaged in topics such as gender equality, representation ...
Saara Cantell is a Finnish director and screenwriter.
2. Saara Cantell: paving the way for future generations
Having directed nine feature film productions, and numerous shorts and television series, Saara Cantell is one of Finland's most productive directors.
Having directed nine feature film productions, and numerous shorts and television series, Saara Cantell is one of Finland’s most productive directors. Due to the current worldwide pandemic we meet online, where she tells us about her upcoming projects:
3. “Siblings” brings the joys and sorrows of life close to its viewers - Lumoral
27 okt 2023 · Finnish Director-writer Saara Cantell's film Sisarukset (Siblings) will premiere in Finnish cinemas on Friday, 27.10.2023.
Finnish Director-writer Saara Cantell's film Sisarukset (Siblings) will premiere in Finnish cinemas on Friday, 27.10.2023. The film project was unique in its making, and the result is documentary-like. The warm-hearted drama film weaves together fictional storytelling and real-life dramatic events, such as the severe i
4. Saara Cantell: ANNEL'S TIME
A documentary about Finnish actress both on film and stage, Anneli Sauli. Duration: 83 min. Age recommendation: 7+. Tickets : 10 € Valve Ticket Office and ...
Oulu on vilkas tapahtumakaupunki, joka houkuttelee elämysten ääreen ympäri vuoden.
5. Saara Cantell: ANNEL'S TIME - Seniorimenot.fi
A documentary film about a woman who was branded a sex symbol at a young age and was a life-long curse - and a gift. About a woman who broke away from.
Finland's largest publication platform for events and activities for +65-year-old
6. Annelin aika – The Northern Star - Arthouse Cinema Niagara
Seuraava näytös. Osta liput. OHJAUS Saara Cantell. KÄSIKIRJOITUS Saara Cantell. KESTO 1 h 23 min. KIELI orig. TEKSTITYS englanti. Pirkanmaan Elokuvakeskus ...
Puhuttu suomeksi, tekstitetty englanniksi!Spoken in Finnish, subtitles in English!
7. Saara Cantell - BookBeat
Saara Cantell ; 3.9. Kaikki tuoksuu lumelta. - Saara Cantell ; 3.8. Tuulensuojaan. - Saara Cantell ; 4. Kesken jääneet hetket. - Saara Cantell.
A page for author Saara Cantell
8. Devil's Bride: Psychoanalysis between Cinema and History - Pepsic
... Saara Cantell, based on the witches' judgments in Aland, Finland, in 1666, according to a Lacanian perspective, in a historiographic scope. This work aims ...
MEDEIROS, Gabriel Silva e ALCANTARA, Patrícia Ferreira. Devil's Bride: Psychoanalysis between Cinema and History. Analytica [online]. 2022, vol.11, n.20, pp.1-19. ISSN 2316-5197.
9. Testimonials - Meisner International
- Saara Cantell (Award Winning Film Director, Helsinki Workshops 2014-2017) ... "Since I've been involved in the Meisner work with Steven Ditmyer, I feel like a ...
"My experiences at Steven Ditmyer‘s Meisner Masterclass in Berlin were incredible. The class was frustrating, unsettling, fulfilling, and ultimately so freeing.
10. [PDF] What is research in a film school? La fémis, Paris, 6-7 April 2011
Saara Cantell notes that most research on film is done by non-filmmakers. She considers her films as her work and her art; she does not consider them research.
11. Cantrell helps patients through the healing power of art
Sara Cantrell has always loved art and wanted to help others. At one point ... But having that couple of years off, I obviously needed to work so I explored some ...
Learn about the power of art therapy in healthcare. Follow Sara Cantrell's path, an Anderson University Alumni, who is now an art therapist.
12. Tuulensuojaan Quotes by Saara Cantell - Goodreads
by Saara Cantell. Want to Read. Company. About us · Careers · Terms · Privacy · Interest Based Ads · Ad Preferences · Help. Work with us. Authors · Advertise ...
0 quotes from Tuulensuojaan
13. File:Saara Cantell and Rosa Salomaa in Goa 2006.jpg
This file is a copyrighted work of the Government of India, licensed under ... saara cantell and actress rosa salomaa ( finland film )addressing in press conf.